Recruiting Solutions
Does it really make sense which company you choose to provide recruiting services? I would say yes. When you select a Recruiter, you want one that understands the needs of the Hiring Manager. One of my core responsibilities in human resources was to oversee the recruiting efforts of the organization. To be an effective recruiter, you must fully understand the job description for which you’re recruiting. Secondly, you must understand the companies’ culture. Thirdly, you must understand the team dynamics to ensure the person hired is a fit for the organization. Equally important is the candidate feeling like they made the right career move.
This is where we Clark’s Consulting Connection can help. We’ been involved in human resources for 30+ years. Our hands-on experience in recruiting, screening and pre-assessments has provided invaluable knowledge of what it takes to find the very best person to fill an immediate opening. Our relational approach allows us to keep the “Human” in Human Resources. Our goal is to help create the very best fit for everyone we assist.
HR Consulting
Is your business growing and now you realize you need to set up policies and procedures for your organization? Have you come to the place you need help setting up an HR department? From time to time do you find yourself saying it sure would be nice to pick up the phone to ask a HR professional their opinion on a relevant subject matter? It’s one thing to have book knowledge, it’s another matter when you’re working with someone that has more than 30+ years of field experience. We would welcome the opportunity to partner with you.

When America experienced the severe economic downturn in 2008 many companies were forced to eliminate positions. Companies did not enter into these decisions lightly. Fortunately, more and more companies are providing outplacement services to assist employees during this dramatic career transition. We’ve often heard the difference between a minor and major surgery is it's minor surgery if it happens to someone else and major surgery if it happens to me. I think you would agree; if you’ve been told your job is being eliminated you’ve just experienced major surgery first hand.
Since August 2008 Clark's Consulting Connection, LLC have assisted more than 700 individuals in areas such as dealing with the emotional impact of loosing a job, resume preparation, interviewing skills as well as the latest networking techniques. During the past 30 years the Founder has had the opportunity to work in manufacturing, banking, non-profit, robotics, real estate, renewable energy as well as high performance work teams. Because of his Human Resource role he was responsible for coordinating and communicating that a person’s position was being eliminated. This was not easy. Van would say "I relate very well to the displaced employees" because he also has been told his position was being eliminated. Outplacement is not easy for the person delivering the message or receiving the message.
Career Coaching
Sometimes a company is not able to provide outplacement services for their impacted employees so the individual is often left wondering what to do next? From their perspective they feel as if life has literally turned upside down and left all alone. If this is your case, we can and want to help. We can assist you in regaining the correct perspective, resume preparation, interviewing skills and the latest networking techniques.
One of the most important things an impacted individual can understand during this time is you have a job and that is to find a job. A second important lesson to understand is that each day you are not working is costing you money; so it’s imperative you have a game plan to reenter the workforce. This will not happen by itself. And you need not attempt this by yourself. More than any skill we can bring to your transition, we will be an encouraging voice of confidence that will keep you engaged and focused on securing your next job.